Esas Çelik Paslanmaz Çelik Mamülleri San. Tic. Ltd. Şti operates in Zeytinburnu Demirciler Sitesi and continues to carry its name to the top positions in the market.

Our company has been working with European countries for long years in the import of stainless steel sheet. In addition to these countries, our company has recently started to import 1st class stainless steel coil sheet from Far East market. As Esasçelik, we aim to meet the needs of stainless steel sheet especially for white goods, kitchen utensils, sinks, automotive and machinery sectors. Our company has adopted the principle of fast and perfect delivery of 430, 304 and bright, matt and scotch brite stainless steel sheets to its customers.


As ESASÇELİK PASLANMAZ, we supply both raw materials and semi-finished products in the quality & dimensions demanded by our customers As Esasçelik, we aim at reasonable cost. We are carrying out studies to support the use of alternative materials in order to increase efficiency. At the same time, we offer technical knowledge that will make and encourage the use of stainless steel efficiently with our knowledge and experience gained over many years.


Establishing a global supply chain serving Stainless Steel issues worldwide.